This year’s finalists for the Federal Sustainability Award in the 5 categories have been announced:
Finalists Categorie Society
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- KlimaWandel GbR (Friedrichshafen/Lake of Constance) mit dem Projekt →
- Kulturfabrik Meda (Mittelherwigsdorf/Saxon Upper Lusatia) →
- Center for Social Research (Halle/Saale) mit dem Projekt →
Finalists Categorie Politics
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- The media format Jung & Naiv (Berlin) →
- Open Knowledge Foundation (Berlin) →
- The Scientist4Future Dr. Gregor Hagedorn (Berlin) →
Finalists Categorie Administration
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- The → sustainability officer of the district Neukölln of Berlin
- The project → Conception of the Local Agenda 21 for the adaptation of the green design to the climate change (Petershagen-Eggersdorf)
- The student’s initiative → Sustainability Office of the Humboldt University Berlin
Finalists Categorie Youth: a lead
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- The initiative → Extinction Rebellion Youth Germany
- The project → Why (no) Milk from Lea Schmitt and the „Sustain it“ Sustainability Initiative of the FU Berlin
- The initiative Young Utopians in Berlin with the → Youth Activist Camp 2019
Finalists Categorie Economy
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- The project → Baumfeldwirtschaft (Brück)
- → Handwerk mit Verantwortung e.V. (Responsible Crafts Association) (Wetter/Ruhr)
- Wertewandel e.V. in Berlin and Vetschau/Brandenburg Lower Lusatia with the project → Lokalhelden-Gründerwerkstatt